LGBTQ+ From a Young Christian Perspective

This topic was a touchy area for me to speak on. I didn't know what to say and if I said anything, would that be going against my religion? Hey! Before you click off my blog and cancel me, know that I never hated people from the LGBTQ+ community, I just didn't know what to say. But, overtime and research, I learned. 

The Differences I Found Between Supporting and Praising

As a child of God, I support those in the LGBTQ+ community out of love. People who are LGBTQ+ are often neglected, hated on, and ignored, but they are still human. That is the common denominator of us all. As a humans, love and care is a necessity of life. Love is the center of all things because if God is love. 

So, how could striping someone of the most important thing, love, be for the better or be of God. 

Love and support go hand and hand, so without the support, how can you display love. LGBTQ+ people are humans who made a decision that doesn't align with everyone's belief, that doesn't mean they don't deserve support and a shoulder to lean on. 

It is important for people to stop looking at LGBTQ+ as just sinners because we all sinners, but we are all also human. 

As far I praising LGBTQ+, I do not do it. I know many people will agree and disagree with where I stand, but I don't comment "Congrats!" on a coming out video and I don't send gifts, have parties, and celebrate somebody coming out.

I just don't do it! 


Because, it is still against what I believe and celebrating it will make me go against my beliefs. Love and support is necessary for ALL people, so depriving LGBTQ+ of that is not ok in any case.

When I tell people this, people often say, "Well, are you telling me you wouldn't repost a trans lives matter post or like make a cake for a LGBTQ+ wedding?" 

No, that is not what I am saying! I would 100% repost a post showing love to there community. They do matter, so why wouldn't I. Making the decision to date the same sex or transition your body does not make you worth ANY less than anybody else in this world because we are all humans and we all play a significant part in our everyday lives. 

But, I wouldn't bake the cake for an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Because I wouldn't make it for any wedding considering I don't know how to bake.

If I knew how to bake, I would make it because discrimination is not godly and it is just obviously wrong.

Am I an Advocate for LGBTQ?

Absolutely! Discrimination against LGBTQ+ is not the way to approach this and it has made me extremely sad to see this going on, today. 

If I saw a kid, on the sidewalk, getting bullied by older people for something that was there decision, I would speak up and say something. I would advocate for that kid and demand justice; so why wouldn't I do it for someone who isn't seeing justice simply because they are LGBTQ+. I do not support nor do I praise that kind of behavior and if I don't speak up, I am just as evil, if not, worst, than the person discriminating unjustly. 

Where Do You Stand?

After reading this posts, where do you stand with the LGBTQIA community and where did you stand before? Did this post make any changes of how you view this community or did you agree with me from the start? Did it make you more against this specific community? I want to know! Comment down below and let me know your thoughts on this blog post and on this topic. I want to know what you are thinking, so let me know! Thanks a lot for reading this post, and I'll see you next Friday.

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