Has Justice Really Been Served?

Approximately one year ago, George Floyd died of police brutality. The story of his death shook the nation and created a huge movement during world-wide pandemic that will forever be in history. We marched, screamed, and begged for justice as nothing was being done. Finally, 11 months later, Derek Chauvin had his trial and was sentenced up to 40 years! This sounds like justice, but has it really been served?

It is impossible for justice to be served with our current criminal justice system. George Floyd may or may not have committed the crime the day of his death, but we will never know now because he didn't have the chance to fight for his freedom. He didn't have the opportunity to clear his name. Now, since he never had that opportunity, people have the chance to say, "Well, he was allegedly engaged in a crime.". 

We live in a society where criminal records validates the value of life and, sadly, that is especially the case for black and brown people. When black and brown people are arrested for petty crimes, the value of that persons life goes down hill in the eyes of society. As a member in the black community, I am appalled to see my people die almost everyday. Does that sound like justice? 

George Floyd will never see justice because he was is gone for unjust reasons. Black and Brown people won't see justice until we see change. We shouldn't have to live our lives in fear just because the nation we live in! It is now up to the leaders of America to serve justice to, not only Derek Chauvin, but the other three cops involved in George Floyd's death. 

We cannot sit and wait for justice to be served because we sat and waited long enough. We need to demand justice for all Americans. Whether that is Asian-American, African-American, Hispanic, Latinx, and the list goes on. Justice shouldn't be a privilege, it should be our way of life. In order for our states to unite, we need to rearrange the justice system to cater ALL Americans. 

It is up to us! Do we, as the new up coming generation, want to fight against an unjust society, or are we going to sit and hope change comes on its own? Before you decide, here's a tip; CHANGE DOESN'T HAPPEN ON ITS OWN! We need to get up, speak out, and solve problems.

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